Recently, local authorities have been receiving more requests to change building and street names, with heightened awareness over their historic associations following Black Lives Matter demonstrations last summer, for instance. Renaming addresses has logistical implications, of course, and those involved may not always know which way to turn. Street naming and numbering of buildings is important enough to need legislation so local authorities can regulate signage and its proper display. This ensures the logical and consistent addresses that are essential for postal delivery and emergency services, as well as the convenience and safety of the general public.
To respond to the increasing demand to change street and building names, GeoPlace has worked closely with local authorities to provide them with technical guidance and advice on best practice in collating address information.
In collaboration with the Street Naming and Numbering community and with independent legal advice from Anthony Collins Solicitors, GeoPlace has published The law and best practice for the re-naming of streets and buildings. This outlines all the necessary processes and offers a point of reference for officers and their colleagues.
Related competencies include: Big data, GIS (geographical information systems), Smart cities and intelligent buildings