
Building back, building better

The pandemic has shaken us all but RICS is determined to use the disruption as an opportunity to improve


  • Kath Fontana FRICS

10 March 2021

Illustration of Kath Fontana FRICS

Illustration: Danilo Agutoli

As President of RICS, I am privileged to hear many stories about the difference members are making during this unprecedented period.

It has been a long year since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic and we have all sacrificed a great deal to slow its spread. And yet, time and again, professionals have risen to the challenge with innovative solutions.

In my part of the profession, we are busy enabling our clients to develop new workplace strategies, with a particular focus on wellbeing and flexibility.  Pleasingly, sustainability and net zero carbon planning remain high on the agenda as organisations consider their future workplace needs. There remain several scenarios for workplaces in the future, and by extension what will happen to our cities, homes and infrastructure. From our global insights we can see that multiple factors are at play, including vaccination rates, local culture and government intervention.

I know that surveyors around the world are committed to building a better future. In whatever way we may predict the future, right now change is accelerating, and impacting all areas of the profession. To enable our members to thrive in this dynamic environment, we must ensure that we understand the needs of every individual across the vast diversity of talent that makes up our global profession.

This is why Governing Council has decided that it’s time to review the key pillars of RICS’ business plan to support RICS members as we continue to deliver facing an uncertain future. This programme, called “Defining our Future”, is seeking the views of a wide range of members and stakeholders.

By sharing your views in the consultation or joining a discussion with members from your area of the world who you have elected as Governing Council members, you will provide vital input to Governing Council as they set future strategic direction.

Learn more about the consultation and how you can share your views.