As part of the recommendations from the RICS Bichard Review, a Knowledge and Practice executive team was established in the summer of 2023, followed by the governance structure, including the Knowledge and Practice Committee (KPC) and Professional Group Panels (PGPs).


The main purpose of the KPC is to: 

  • maintain and develop knowledge and professional practice of surveying
  • advance industry and public knowledge on key issues affecting the natural and built environment and 
  • develop the competences required for APC pathways, ensuring no overlap with the SRB. 


Knowledge and Practice Committee appointments 

The PGPs were established to represent the various surveying sectors. The following were appointed as Chairs : 


Implementing the Valuation Review

Significant progress was made against the recommendations in the Valuation Review.

Other key projects

Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)

After the news broke about school closures in early September 2023, the Professional Practice Team immediately provided clarity, insight and leadership on this emerging issue. As well as fielding many media interviews, a public statement was quickly published, as well as an advice and FAQs page on the RICS website. We engaged with the Department for Education and persuaded them to revise their guidance and criteria for appointing surveyors that are RICS-qualified members. 

We also engaged with the Cabinet Office and the Government Property Unit who led on this across the government estate. This was followed by an RICS-hosted webinar (free for members to attend as part of the CPD package) on 20 September, which covered the topic with three experts. This was very well received; the recording is available for any members who could not attend on the day. Finally, as part of the cross-industry collaborative Construction Leadership Council RAAC expert panel, we are working with partners on updating the Department for Education's guidance. 

Valuation of woodlands and forests 

The second edition of the professional standard Valuation of woodlands and forests has now been published. This is a key standard for the land market, as a result of increased investment in natural capital, carbon offsetting, sequestration, rewilding and UK national net-zero targets.


Geospatial standards

The third edition of the Use of GNSS in land surveying and mapping professional standard was launched to expert plaudits at GEO Business 2023 and FIG Orlando with endorsement and adoption by major stakeholders (CICES, TSA, HS2 and Ordnance Survey GB). Three RICS geospatial professional standards have been adopted by the UK government and will be added to the UK geospatial data standards register.

A farmhouse surrounded by fields - shown top down

Agricultural tenancies and the Rock Review 

RICS is taking part in the Defra expert working group that will be developing a new code of practice for the agricultural tenanted sector in England. This will focus on behaviours, one of the key recommendations for Defra arising from the Rock Review. A further recommendation from the Rock Review is the creation of a new Farm Tenancy Forum, and RICS is delighted to have put forward a representative for the forum.

Fire safety 

RICS contributed to the development and publication of British Standards PAS 8671, 8672 and 8673 on competence in the built environment, and presented to the Consortium of European Building Control (hosted in the UK) on leading the International Fire Safety Standards (IFSS) Decade of Action for Fire Safety 2022–2032. In addition, we published a consumer guide on spray foam insulation, a major public interest topic in the UK.


RICS partnered with CABE to provide a route to registration for relevant members with the Building Safety Act 2022.

We launched a Fire Safety (Competency Module) in Q4 2023. This is aimed at increasing the competence of new and existing members in a critical life-safety area of building safety following recommendations from Dame Judith Hackitt’s report.

The United Nations (UN) supports the IFSS coalition, led by RICS, in its aim to bring about improvements in global fire safety, and our Chair of the IFSS, Gary Strong, gave a presentation to the UN in Q4.

Existing use value 

In July, we published the professional standard Existing use value (EUV) for UK public sector financial statements. This UK standard provides practical advice and guidance on the interpretation and application of EUV valuations of owner-occupied operational properties in public sector valuations, when used for financial reporting purposes. The document aims to assist members by explaining and reaffirming the principles of EUV and enabling a more consistent approach. 

After submitting a response to HM Treasury’s thematic consultation of non-investment asset valuation for financial reporting purposes in the UK public sector, RICS was invited to join the working group, which aims to reach a workable approach that supports economic and financial stability through the property valuation process, and which is in the public interest.

We strengthen trust in the profession from the work we do.

In 2023, 12 new standards and practice information documents were published. 


downloads of new standards published in 2023


downloads of new Red Book UK supplement 


downloads of Discounted cash flow valuations

WBEF week


Our World Built Environment Forum (WBEF) Week in January 2023 saw attendees come together to discuss priorities and innovations that will define the future of the built environment. Delivered across four time zones, the week-long programme featured leading speakers from across the sector who shared their thoughts both online and in person, marking a positive start to the year’s programme. We received positive feedback from both speakers and attendees. Further in-person WBEF gatherings took place in New York in June and Venice in October.


registered attendees


leading speakers


‘It was a privilege to take part in WBEF Week 2023 as a speaker with an engaged and experienced panel sharing insights that will hopefully assist RICS members.' 

Cheryl Cairns
Partner, Trowers & Hamlins


‘A very comprehensive, insightful and engaging week of sessions and speakers, highlighting the key challenges and identifying potential solutions to a broad range of topics concerning the built environment.' 

Kieran Morgan FCIArb FAIADR
Construction lawyer & arbitrator